1. Install Windows Media Creation Tool

  1. Download Media Creation Tool above, click Download Now (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10)

  2. Open Media Creation Tool

  3. Select Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD or ISO file) for another PC

  4. Use the recommended options

  5. Select USB flash drive (min 8 GB)

  6. Select your USB flash drive (this will remove all its data)

  7. Reboot your PC and enter BIOS

  8. Select the USB flash drive as the first boot option and save

  9. Select Windows 10 Pro

  10. Select I don't have a product key

  11. Select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)

  12. Delete every partition, so you have one option saying "Unallocated Space" left for each drive

  13. Select your main drive and click Next

  14. Continue with the setup and finish installing Windows

Last updated